What types of concrete pumps are there?
- Trailer concrte pumps – transport concrete from a hopper (an attachment that makes transportation of concrete easy and controlled) to the desired site, using multiple connected pipes and hoses. Ground line hydraulic pumps can shift concrete at 1m³ each minute and can extend to a distance of around 150 meters, in order to reach the pour site. This makes concrete pouring in awkward areas simple, as the pipes and hoses can go up, over and around obstacles.
- Trailer concrete mixer pumps- Additonal add the mixer advice on the trailer concrete pump, can mixer the concrete and pump at same time.
- Boom pumps – have hydraulic levers which raise, lift and place concrete pipes to areas where it would be otherwise difficult to pour. Boom pumps offer more flexibility than ground line hydraulic pumps because they can navigate around the smallest and lowest areas to ensure effective and mess-free pours.
- Truck mounted pumps – attached to the concrete delivery vehicle chassis, a truck-mounted pump is a delivery service used where there’s an easily-accessible pour site, so the driver can pour and leave once the job has been completed.
What are the advantages of concrete pumps?
- Faster, efficient delivery
- Makes it easier to pour in hard-to-reach places
- Saves time and money
- Fewer spillages – accurate pouring
- Pay for what you use – metered delivery
How does a concrete pump work?
Concrete pumps are tools used to transport liquid concrete from one location to another, carrying wet concrete from the mixer to the pour site. Once the truck has reached its destination, the concrete will be released into the hopper, which will keep the batch turning, to keep it fresh. This movement helps the concrete to flow into the pump’s twin cylinders and pushes the mix through the pipe. One cylinder pushes the concrete through and the other extracts the concrete from the hopper, maintaining pressure to keep a consistent flow.
How far can concrete pump hose reach?
- Trailer concrete pumps can reach past 150 meters for vertical high.
- Boom pumps can reach past 101 meters in China.
Can concrete pumping be messy?
Concrete pumping is a quick and clean method used to transport large and small quantities of concrete. Interconnected pipes pushing concrete from A to B means there are no spillages, unlike the wheelbarrow method.
Can you pump concrete in all weathers?
Concrete pumping can be done in wind, rain, snow and sun. To ensure safe delivery in all weathers, we just take the right precautions to make sure you receive the best pour.